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My Big Red Couch

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Resemblance?, originally uploaded by Bearded Jon.

Lee Post is a scoundrel who has stolen my persona, given it youth and is shamelessly marketing it HERE!

More of Lee's villainous work can be seen HERE!

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Boy Friend and The Ladies

It's been an exhausting run of weeks with a few hours break here and there.

Rehearsals and now performances for The Boy Friend, late nights working on sets and costumes, teaching Boundary Law I and the associated reading and grading and test making and lecturing, the day job, the radio show and then, the afterthought: family.

I've missed my girls. This week I haven't been getting up and going in to be at the office by 6:30a but have been lounging in bed until, GASP, 7:30-ish. This has afforded me some moments cuddling in bed with Genevieve and at least saying "Hi" and getting a hug and a kiss from Madeleine. Mad calls or texts me every morning to let me know she's on her way to catch the bus. It isn't much but it keeps her close to my heart.

Last night was the "pay what you can" preview of The Boyfriend and unlike every night for the past week I was home before 11p. This afforded Jamie and I some couch time with wine and smalltalk. I loath the band Journey but those moments together last night brought their lyric back to me, "I get the joy of rediscovering you." Those moments, the ones where the kids are in bed and we can talk for hours about nothing are what keep us together. Another lyric, "that peaceful easy feeling."

I'm drowning in sentimentality and this post was meant to "Pimp My Show!!!"

The Boy Friend, on stage at Cyrano's Off Center Playhouse Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7p and Sundays at 3p through December 21st with extra special holiday shows at 7p Monday, December 22nd and Tuesday, December 23rd. Visit www.cyranos.org for ticket prices and ordering.

To see more images from The Boy Friend visit Jamie's website: http://jamielangphotography.smugmug.com/

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