12oz Sugar Free Vanilla Breve
Some days a cup of coffee is more than just a cup of coffee. For instance, the day he met her.
It was a Tuesday and it is vivid for him because of her. She was in line a few people before him and she ordered a something something something with a shot of something and a sprikle of this or that and all four others in line rolled their eyes. She was complicated.
By the time he ordered and got his drink she was still at the condiment stand mixing and adding and adjusting and altering her drink till it was just so. He merely wanted a stir stick.
"What was that you ordered?" He didn't wait for an answer and immediately introduced himself, offering her his hand. She turned and left.
She lingered in his thoughts all day and the next day she was there at the espresso stand again. Ordering that something something something.
And soon they met.